Most Downloaded Articles |
Effect of different growing substrates on the yield and cut flower quality of rose cv. Maroussia (35201 Downloads) |
The possibility of using dried pine leaves, tire-rubber wastes, mica and rice hull as tomato growth media in soilless culture system (21808 Downloads) |
Effect of Zinc and Manganese Nutrition on Fruit Yield and Nutrient Concentrations in Greenhouse Tomato in Hydroponic Culture (12959 Downloads) |
The Effect of Growth Media on Cucumber Yield and its Uptake of Some Nutrient Elements in Soilless Culture (12220 Downloads) |
Measurement and modeling of water requirement and crop coefficient for cucumber, tomato and pepper using microlysimeter in greenhouse (11849 Downloads) |
Agronomic and economic study of the most appropriate time of continuous lettuce cultivation in greenhouse and open space conditions in Jiroft area (10858 Downloads) |
Evaluation of morphological changes in some wheat genotypes under salt stress (10598 Downloads) |
Nutritional status of greenhouse cucumber and bell pepper in Isfahan province (9777 Downloads) |
The effect of salt stress on morphological characteristics and Na+, K+ and Ca+ ion contents in medicinal plant fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) under hydroponic culture (9388 Downloads) |
Efficacy of conventional fungicides in controlling tomato grey mold (9020 Downloads) |
Effect of different substrates on nutrients content, yield and quality of strawberry cv. Selva in soilless culture (8890 Downloads) |
Effect of copper and zinc on concentration and uptake of micronutrient (Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn) and macronutrient (Phosphorus) in savory at greenhouse conditions (8575 Downloads) |
Effect of irrigation with treated municipal wastewater on yield of Nitraria schoberi under greenhouse conditions (8337 Downloads) |
Effect of N, K and Mg on yield and fruit quality of strawberry (Fragaria×ananasa cv. Sun Rise) in hydroponic culture conditions (8304 Downloads) |
Effect of salinity on some physiological variables of 11 chickpea genotypes under hydroponic conditions (7996 Downloads) |
The Effect of Nitrogen and Boron on Growth, Yield and Concentration of Some Nutrient Elements of Tomato (7850 Downloads) |
Effect of different concentrations of potassium silicate, nano-silicon and calcium chloride on concentration of potassium, calcium and magnesium, chlorophyll content and number of florets of Asiatic lily cv. ‘Brunello’ (7671 Downloads) |
Determination of crop water requirement, crop coefficient and water use efficiency of greenhouse-grown cucumber and tomato
(Case study: Urmia region)
The effect of palm wastes compost as peat substitute on cultivation of Dieffenbachia amoena ornamental plant (7659 Downloads) |
Economic assessment of greenhouse-cucumber production units in Birjand Township (7628 Downloads) |
The effect of different methods of seed bed preparation on greenhouse cucumber yield and yield components (7609 Downloads) |
Silicon Application Effects on Yield and Growth of Two Cucumber Genotypes in Hydroponics System (7594 Downloads) |
ٍEffect of potassium and calcium application on water use and fruit yield of tomato in a hydroponic system with dynamic and non-uniform distribution of salts (7566 Downloads) |
Interaction of sodium and magnesium on some growth characteristics and chlorophyll content of pistachio in perlite substrate (7499 Downloads) |
Uptake of cadmium by cress, lettuce and tomato in Cd-contaminated soil (7208 Downloads) |
Evaluation of effective factors on optimal management greenhouses summery in Khuzestan province (7178 Downloads) |
Effect of commercial neem extract NeemAzal-T/S on controlling leafminer Liriomyza sativae Blanchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in comparison with common synthetic insecticides (7122 Downloads) |
Investigation of the growth and development, essential oil and minerals content in two species of mint in hydroponics and aquaponics (7075 Downloads) |
Effects of various concentrations and time of humic acid application on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cut stock flower (Matthiola incana ‘Hanza’) (7038 Downloads) |
Effect of plant growth regulators and explant types on regeneration and micropropagation of a commercial strawberry cultivar (Fragaria ×ananassa cv. Selva) (6986 Downloads) |
Comparison of eco-physiological characteristics of pepper in hydroponic and aquaponic systems (6814 Downloads) |
Direct regeneration of Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) via node explants culture and different combinations of plant growth regulators (6760 Downloads) |
Effect of different substrates on quantitative and qualitative traits of three pepper cultivars in soilless culture (6759 Downloads) |
Investigating physiological characteristics of mint in the Raft aquaponic system and perlite medium (6706 Downloads) |
Effects of iron on efficiency and map of photosystem II photochemical yield of rose flower using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging (6523 Downloads) |
Effect of phosphorus and organic matter on soil-plant phosphorus relationships in spinach (6369 Downloads) |
Effects of gibberellic acid and calcium on reducing growth period of iris (Iris holandica var. Blue Magic) in greenhouse and extension of its cut flower life (6336 Downloads) |
The role of Phytophthora cactorum in decline of hydroponically- grown strawberry and evaluation of relative resistance of strawberry cultivars to it (6330 Downloads) |
Effect of NaCl salinity and soil waterlogging on growth characteristics of forage corn in greenhouse conditions (6312 Downloads) |
Influence of salinity and supplementary calcium on vegetative growth, fruit yield and concentration of some nutrients in hydroponically-grown strawberry (6285 Downloads) |
Comparison of yield, yield components and seed quality (oil and protein content) of two rapeseed cultivars as affected by different levels of soil-applied nitrogen and zinc (6260 Downloads) |
The Influence of salinity and nitrogen on tomato fruit quality and micronutrients concentration in hydroponic culture (6254 Downloads) |
Effect of different levels of citric acid and salicylic acid at pre-harvesting stage on vase-life of rose (Rosa hybrida L.) cut flower (6213 Downloads) |
Assessment of Milk Thistle Ecotypes for Drought Resistance in a Hydroponic System (6211 Downloads) |
Effects of different media on vegetative growth of two Lilium cultivars in soilless culture (6196 Downloads) |
The effects of nitrogen and boron on yield and concentrations of macronutrients in broccoli head in a calcareous soil (6152 Downloads) |
Effect of rooting media on root production of semi-hardwood stem cuttings in weeping bottlebrush (Calistemon viminalis) under greenhouse conditions (6059 Downloads) |
Effect of irrigation water salinity on root traits of two salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant wheat cultivars and its relationship with yield in greenhouse (5980 Downloads) |
The Comparison of Ammonium or Nitrate-Grown Lettuce and Spinach in a Hydroponic System (5839 Downloads) |
The Application of date palm fibers as growth medium and optimization of moisture content and holding capacity by response surface methodology (5819 Downloads) |
Total Sum: 1672358 |