- Influence of Municipal Sewage Sludge and Triple Superphosphate Application on Some Growth Traits and P Uptake of Quinoa Under Non-Saline and Saline Conditions
H. Hatami - The Impact of Substrate Type on Physiological and Morphological Performance of Saffron in Soilless Cultivation System
E. Naseri, M. T. Ebadi, A. Mokhtassi-Bidgoli, N. Dalir, R. Rahnemaie - Effect of Mycorrhiza Fungus, Humic Acid, and Salicylic Acid on Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics and Nutrient Uptake of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L. cv Citronella)
M. Hamzeh Mohamadabadi, A.R. Ladan Moghaddam, E. Danaee, V. Abdossi - The Interaction Effect of Salinity Stress and Copper on The Growth and Phytoremediation Potential of Bassia scoparia L.
Z. Khodadadi, M. Moudi, S.M. Mousavi-Kuohi, M.S. Hosseinzadeh - Evaluation of Some Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Myrtus communis L. Stands in Southwest of Iran
Y. Azizi Kia, M. Moradi, Z. Darvishpasand, H. Taleshi - Comparing The Effect of Calcium Nitrate and Calcium Amino Chelate (Lysine) Foliar Application on Nutritional Status, Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics, and Postharvest Longevity of 'Jumilia' Rose Cultivar
S. Khosravi, A. Tehranifar, Y. Selahvarzi, A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh, L. Cheheltanan
- Year 2024
- Year 2024
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Accepted Articles
- Fertility assessment of saffron cultivated lands from the perspective of soil management (case study: in Bahabad city, Yazd province)
Mostafa Shirmardi, Mehdi Hayatzadeh, Mohammad javad Ghanei, Neda Hemat, Mahin Fooladi - Determination of evapotranspiration and crop coefficient of camelina (camelina sativa L. Crantz) under deficit irrigation with different salinity levels by using lysimeter in greenhouse
Mahdi Mokari, amirhossein Ghaderi, Javad Alaei - Effect of Type and Time of Application of Different Levels of Calcium Carbide on the Growth and Yield of Monoicous Cucumber
Hasan Bagherian lemraski, Kambiz Mashayekhi, Seyyed Alireza Movahedi Naeini, Seyyed Javad Mousavizadeh - The Effect of Using Leonardite Organic Matter on Uptake of Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin by Leek (Allium Iranicum)
Mahrokh sharifmand, Ebrahim Sepehr, MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani, Siamak Asri-Rezaei - The effect of wood chip compost and potassium sulfate on the morpho-physiological characteristics of Pelargonium × hortorum
Zeynab Nasiri, Mahnaz Karimi, Hossein Moradi - The impact of conservation tillage systems on particle size distribution and some hydraulic properties of the soil under saline conditions and Barley-safflower rotation
Masoud Tadayonnejad, Shahrokh Shahmansouri
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Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 15، Number 3
- Print ISSN: 2783-5014
- Online ISSN: 2783-5286
- Director-in-Charge: Prof. M. A. Hajabbasi
- Editor-in-Chief: Prof. M. R. Mosaddeghi
- Publisher: Isfahan University of Technology
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